Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I did some tweaking... which is better? The different is the pink slightly tinting the upper windows. I'm torn. It's slight, but it does change the mood a bit. Opinions?


  1. I think the pink makes the lighting situation inconsistent.

    I also think the windowsills closest to the window should be a shade between the yellow and blue to show that there's light pouring out. Right now, the light in the window is affecting her and the sign, but nothing else in the piece.

  2. Yeah, that was sort of deliberate though. I kind of wanted the only true lighting be the conversation between her and the window. The simple wash on the rest is purposeful.

  3. I just think that there's a lot more you could do with this image to make it more rich. But it's up to you either way. I know you like the flatness of colors.

    I just feel that the lighting in the piece hasn't been totally resolved yet. Like, if the light were really coming from the window, there would be a shadow coming from the windowsill underneath it as well as the shadow behind her feet. But maybe I'm just being nitpicky.

    How are the rest of your pieces coming?
