Wednesday, January 7, 2009

DP has evolved to something greater than the book of characters.

I've finally had the time to think out a plot for my characters. My final DP project will still involve the character book in a major way, although I will also be illustrating the story that I've been writing all of break thus far. My final piece will still be a book. Half will be the story I'm writing, black and white, the back side of the book will be all my sketches, character studies, ect, ect. This character here essentially is Winter.
These are studies of him. My first DP character; Rhyzome (the anthropomorphic iris) is spring and summer/life/growth/nature.

My protagonists in the story are Rhyzome and a young girl who will look similar to the girl in this gorillas unexpected piece from my black and white class. They have different goals in the story. Rhyzomes goal is much more important than the girls. Though the girl plays an important role in his process. Let me post the pics of my stories setting before I continue describing the story, I promise I'm trying my best to sum this up and keep it brief! -Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, the colors in that last one look amazing. Digital tweaking?
