Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ignore my words in the previous posts if you're confused and just look at the pictures.

so... I just realized rereading my posts from the other day that to an outsider, all this new information is very difficult to process and you guys probably think this is too much to just come up with half way through DP. Well, I'm sorry for laying it all out like that. I'm not great at explainging myself firsthand, but with a few revisions, I usually show through. Lets just go with this instead!

-My final DP will still be a book of anthropomorphic characters inspired by nature. (more sketchy though, preliminary work for the story, character studies, ect.)

-It will also be the story that these characters are a part of (possibly another book) THIS is the precious final piece. But I would like to hang all my characters on the wall at the end as well!

-Sooo... I will have two books at the end of Degree project. Please understand that without one of these 2 I will be greatly compromising.


  1. Greg you're awesome. Don't worry.

  2. Sounds like being at home has stimulated lots of ideas and clarified some old ones. Remember that this project is a beginning and if you are lucky it will be the jumping off place for future work. Sounds like you are on the right path - just don't over complicate this phase!
